Brevet nevalabil

(11)Number of the document4117
(21)Number of the applicationa 2010 0113
(22)Filing date of the application2010.07.30
 Date of filing the request for examination (de fond) 12.10.2010
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countryINSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE, MD;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countryHAGIU Bogdan Alexandru, RO; SANDU Andrei Victor, RO; LUPAŞCU Tudor, MD; CHIRAZI Marin, RO; MANGALAGIU Ionel, RO; SANDU Ion, RO; CIOBANU Mihail, MD; VASILACHE Viorica, RO;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countryINSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE AL ACADEMIEI DE STIINTE A MOLDOVEI, MD;
(54)Title of the inventionPowder with haemostatic and regenerative properties (variants) and process for the production thereof
(67)*Converted applicatiuon and date of conversions 2010 0131 2010.10.12
(13)Kind-of-document code
C1, BOPI 02/2012
B1, BOPI 07/2011
(51)International Patent Classification A61K 9/14 (2006.01); A61K 38/48 (2006.01); A61K 38/01 (2006.01); A61K 38/02 (2006.01); A61K 33/38 (2006.01); A61P 17/02 (2006.01);
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:2011.07.31
(47)Date of issuance of patent2012.02.29
 Substantive examiner(s)TIMONIN Alexandru, GORDIENCO Maria
 Payment for maintenance up to the date2015.07.30
 Date of patent termination2015.07.30
 Date of publication of the termination of patent, with the right of restoration2016.03.31
 Date of publication of the termination of patent, without the right of restoration2017.01.31
