Certificat expirat

(11)Number of the document92
(21)Number of the applicationu 2003 0032
(22)Filing date of the application2003.11.18
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countryNAPADENSKY Reuven, MD; LEVA Simion , MD; MICEV Gheorghi , BG;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countryNAPADENSKY Reuven, MD; LEVA Simion, MD; MICEV Gheorghi, BG;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countrySAVVUN Denis Iurievici, RU; LEVA Simion , MD;
(13)Kind-of-document code I2
(51)International Patent Classification B65D 5/00 (2006.01); B65D 77/00 (2006.01);
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:2004.03.31
(47)Date of issuance of patent2004.10.31
(30)Prioritya 2002 0046, 2002.01.10, MD
 Substantive examiner(s)COLESNIC Inessa
 Expired patents; Date of expiration2009.09.30
 Payment for maintenance up to the date2008.11.18
 License contractNr. deciziei: 875
Data deciziei: 2005.10.10
Nr. contractului: 851
Data. contractului: 2005.10.10
Licenţa: exclusiva
Termenul de valabilitate: de la 15.09.2005 pînă la 15.09.2008
Teritoriul de acţiune: Republica Moldova
Licenţiarul: SAVVUN Denis Iurievici, RU; LEVA Simion , MD
Licenţiatul: CASAGARANT S.R.L., MD
