For comments, suggestions
Profile: PFIZER INC. (Update: 01.12.2024)

Date cumulate

Cumulated data
Total of filed applications, of which for: 30



Short-term patents


Utility models

Titles of protection granted/issued, of which:

patents (BI)


short term patents (BISD)


utitity models (MU)

Total of valid titles of protection 5 (BI:5 BISD:0 MU:0)
Invalid patents with the right of revalidation 0
Total titles of protection being valid more than 5 years 5
Average life of patent (years) 10.5
BI: 10.5

AnulBrevete de invenţieTotal

AnulBrevete de invenţieBrevete de invenţie de scurtă duratăModele de utilitate

Top IPC subclasses

Top IPC subclasses
1 C07D 116 Heterocyclic compounds
2 A61P 53 Specific therapeutic activity of chemical compounds or medicinal preparations
3 A61K 50 Preparations for medical, dental, or toilet purposes
4 C07C 3 Acyclic or carbocyclic compounds
5 C07F 1 acyclic, carbocyclic, or heterocyclic compounds containing elements other than carbon, hydrogen, hal

Top IPC subgroups

Top IPC subgroups
1 C07D 471/04 13
2 C07D 487/04 11
3 A61P 35/00 10
4 C07D 401/14 9
5 C07D 519/00 6
6 A61K 31/519 5
7 C07D 401/04 5
8 C07D 405/14 5
9 A61K 31/506 4
10 A61P 25/00 4
11 A61P 25/28 4
12 C07D 413/14 4
13 A61K 31/454 3
14 A61K 31/437 3
15 A61K 31/497 3
16 A61P 25/16 3
17 A61P 25/18 3
18 A61P 37/08 3
19 C07D 401/12 3
20 A61K 31/47 2


Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)
1 VERHOEST Patrick Robert 7
2 ZHANG Lei 6
3 HEPWORTH David 4
4 MENTE Scot Richard 4
5 HAYWARD Matthew Merrill 4
6 XING Li 4
7 SUBRAMANYAM Chakrapani 4
8 DOUNAY Amy Beth 3
9 CHAPPIE Thomas Allen 3
10 BRODNEY Michael Aaron 3

Top-10 foreign co-inventors

Top-10 foreign co-inventors
1 US VERHOEST Patrick Robert 7
2 US ZHANG Lei 6
3 US HAYWARD Matthew Merrill 4
5 US MENTE Scot Richard 4
6 US SUBRAMANYAM Chakrapani 4
7 US XING Li 4
8 US EFREMOV Ivan Viktorovich 3
9 US CHAPPIE Thomas Allen 3
10 US COLLINS Michael Raymond 3

Top patents cited by person

Top patents cited by person
1 WO 02/00661 1
2 WO 99/65909 1
3 WO 2011138751 1
4 WO 2006021884 1
5 WO 2010/020905 1
6 WO 2011/045702 1
7 WO 2011/075334 1
8 WO 2012/142513 1
9 WO 2007/012953 1
10 WO 2008/119792 1

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)
1 4590 1

The most longeval person patents

The most longeval person patents
Nr.Număr brevetSolicitantInventatorTitularTitluValabil pînă laValabil (ani)
1 4590 PFIZER INC., US; BAILEY Simon, US; BURKE Benjamin Joseph, US; COLLINS Michael Raymond, US; CUI Jingrong Jean, US; DEAL Judith Gail, US; HOFFMAN Robert Louis, US; HUANG Qinhua, US; JOHNSON Ted William, US; KANIA Robert Steven, US; KATH John Charles, US; LE Phuong Thi Quy, US; MCTIGUE Michele Ann, US; PALMER Cynthia Louise, US; RICHARDSON Paul Francis, US; SACH Neal William, US; PFIZER INC., US; Derivaţi macrociclici pentru tratamentul bolilor proliferative 20.02.2025 12
2 4649 PFIZER INC., US; BROWN Matthew Frank, US; CASIMIRO-GARCIA Agustin, US; CHE Ye, US; COE Jotham Wadsworth, US; FLANAGAN Mark Edward, US; GILBERT Adam Matthew, US; HAYWARD Matthew Merrill, US; LANGILLE Jonathan David, US; MONTGOMERY Justin Ian, US; TELLIEZ Jean-Baptiste, US; THORARENSEN Atli, US; UNWALLA Rayomand Jal, US; TRUJILLO John I, US; PFIZER INC., US; Pirol[2,3-d]pirimidinil, pirol[2,3-b]pirazinil şi pirol[2,3-d]piridinil acrilamide 20.11.2025 11
3 4735 PFIZER INC., US; BROWN Matthew Frank, US; FENWICK Ashley Edward, US; FLANAGAN Mark Edward, US; GONZALES Andrea, US; JOHNSON Timothy Allan, US; KAILA Neelu, US; MITTON-FRY Mark J., US; STROHBACH Joseph Walter, US; TENBRINK Ruth E., US; TRZUPEK John David, US; UNWALLA Rayomand Jal, US; VAZQUEZ Michael L., US; PARIKH Mihir D., US; PFIZER INC., US; Derivaţi ai pirolo[2,3-d]pirimidinei ca inhibitori de Kinaze Janus-asociate (JAK)   11.02.2025 11
4 4820 PFIZER INC., US; COLLINS Michael Raymond, US; KANIA Robert Steven, US; KUMPF Robert Arnold, US; KUNG Pei-Pei, US; RICHTER Daniel Tyler, US; SUTTON Scott Channing, US; WYTHES Martin James, US; PFIZER INC., US; Compuşi dihidroizochinolinonici substituiţi 05.06.2025 10
5 4800 PFIZER INC., US; FENSOME Andrew, US; GOPALSAMY Ariamala, US; GERSTENBERGER Brian S., US; EFREMOV Ivan Viktorovich, US; WAN Zhao-Kui, US; PIERCE Betsy, US; TELLIEZ Jean-Baptiste, US; TRUJILLO John I, US; ZHANG Liying, US; XING Li, US; SAIAH Eddine, US; PFIZER INC., US; Compuşi de aminopirimidinil ca inhibitori de JAK 07.08.2025 10
6 4664 PFIZER INC., US; EDWARDS Martin Paul, US; KUMPF Robert Arnold, US; KUNG Pei-Pei, US; MCALPINE Indrawan James, US; NINKOVIC Sacha, US; RUI Eugene Yuanjin, US; SUTTON Scott Channing, US; TATLOCK John Howard, US; WYTHES Martin James, US; ZEHNDER Luke Raymond, US; PFIZER INC., US; Lactame aril şi heteroaril condensate 05.12.2022 9

List of valid patents where the person is the first owner

List of valid patents where the person is the first owner
Nr.Număr brevetValabil pînă laValabil (ani)StatutulTitlu
1 4590 20.02.2025 12 Brevet valabil Derivaţi macrociclici pentru tratamentul bolilor proliferative
2 4649 20.11.2025 11 Brevet valabil Pirol[2,3-d]pirimidinil, pirol[2,3-b]pirazinil şi pirol[2,3-d]piridinil acrilamide
3 4735 11.02.2025 11 Brevet valabil Derivaţi ai pirolo[2,3-d]pirimidinei ca inhibitori de Kinaze Janus-asociate (JAK)  
4 4820 05.06.2025 10 Brevet valabil Compuşi dihidroizochinolinonici substituiţi
5 4800 07.08.2025 10 Brevet valabil Compuşi de aminopirimidinil ca inhibitori de JAK
