For comments, suggestions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 12.07.1994 Formal examination (assignment of filing date) 31.01.1996 Publication of the application (A) 29.07.1999 Preliminary and substantive examination 30.09.1999 Publication of the decision of grant (B2) 31.03.2000 Completion of the opposition filing period 31.12.2000 Publication of the decision of forfeiture, with the re-establishment right

Patent lapsed

(11)Number of the document1322
(21)Number of the application94-0293
(22)Filing date of the application1994.07.12
 Date of filing the request for examination (pe raspunderea solicitantului)
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countryFiltration Ltd, IL;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countryYtzhak Barzuza, IL;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countryFiltration Ltd, IL;
(54)Title of the inventionSelf-cleaning filter
(13)Kind-of-document code
B2, BOPI 09/1999
A, BOPI 01/1996
(51)International Patent Classification B01D 29/01 (2006.01); B01D 29/11 (2006.01); B01D 33/073 (2006.01);
(41)Date of publication of the application1996.01.31
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:1999.09.30
(30)Priority94630, 1990.06.06, IL
(74)Patent attorneyBABAC Alexandru, Str. Miron Costin nr. 15/2, of.19-20, MD-2045, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
 Substantive examiner(s)SCOROGONOV Anatol
 Forfeitures of right up to issuance2000.12.31