For comments, suggestions
Profile: PAVLENCO Vitalie (Update: 01.09.2024)

Date cumulate

Cumulated data
Total of filed applications, of which for: 26



Short-term patents


Utility models

Titles of protection granted/issued, of which:

patents (BI)


short term patents (BISD)


utitity models (MU)

Applications in which inventor is applicant 1
Total of valid titles of protection 0 (BI:0 BISD:0 MU:0)
Invalid patents with the right of revalidation 0
Total titles of protection being valid more than 5 years 0
Average life of patent (years) 4.5
BI: 4.6
MU: 4.0

AnulBrevete de invenţieTotal

AnulBrevete de invenţieBrevete de invenţie de scurtă duratăModele de utilitate

Top IPC subclasses

Top IPC subclasses
1 B62D 9 motor vehiclestrailers
2 B60K 9 arrangement or mounting of propulsion units or of transmissions in vehiclesarrangement or mounting o
3 F16H 7 gearing
4 A01B 7 Soil working in agriculture or forestry; parts, details, or accessories of agricultural machines or implements, in general
5 A01M 3 catching, trapping or scaring of animalsapparatus for the destruction of noxious animals or noxious
6 A01D 2 Harvesting; mowing
7 B66C 2 cranesload-engaging elements or devices for cranes, capstans, winches, or tackles
8 B27C 1 planing, drilling, milling, turning, or universal machines
9 H01H 1 electric switchesrelaysselectorsemergency protective devices
10 F02N 1 starting of combustion enginesstarting aids for such engines, not otherwise provided for
11 F24C 1 other domestic stoves or rangesdetails of domestic stoves or ranges, of general application
12 F24D 1 domestic- or space-heating systems, e.g. central heating systemsdomestic hot-water supply systemsele

Top IPC subgroups

Top IPC subgroups
1 B62D 55/24 3
2 B62D 49/06 3
3 F16H 59/00 3
4 A01B 3/18 2
5 B60K 17/00 2
6 F16H 59/02 2
7 A01B 3/00 1
8 A01B 3/20 1
9 A01B 3/30 1
10 A01B 3/22 1
11 A01B 3/16 1
12 A01D 51/00 1
13 A01D 34/00 1
14 A01M 11/00 1
15 A01M 7/00 1
16 A01M 9/00 1
17 B60K 17/22 1
18 B60K 17/24 1
19 B60K 17/16 1
20 B60K 17/26 1


Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)
1 BEGANSCHII Stanislav 26
2 CALUŢCHII Alexandru 26
3 URASOV Iurie 25
4 ZABUNOV Iurie 10
5 UTCHIN Vladimir 8
6 LAVRENTIEV Nicolae 7
8 BONDARENCO Eugeniu 5
9 CIRCOV Victor 4
10 MIHAILOV Mihail 4

Top-10 Co-applicants/applicants (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Co-owners/owners (in the case of inventor profile)

Top patents cited by person

Top patents cited by person
1 MD 1098 2
2 US 4410219 1
3 US 4223657 1
4 SU 383868 1
5 SU 1102542 1
6 SU 1597950 1
7 SU 1198591 1

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)
1 34 7
2 1480 6
3 20 4
4 1338 4
5 1286 3
6 53 2
7 19 2
8 53 2
9 486 2
10 1408 2

The most cited person patents(in Description)

The most cited person patents(in Description)
1 MD 1098 2 2
2 MD 1408 1 0
3 MD 1480 1 0
4 MD 1286 1 0

The most longeval person patents

The most longeval person patents
Nr.Număr brevetSolicitantInventatorTitularTitluValabil pînă laValabil (ani)
1 486 UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; BEGANSCHII Stanislav, MD; LENSCHI Albert, MD; CALUŢCHII Alexandru, MD; PAVLENCO Vitalie, MD; URASOV Iurie, MD; CÎRCOV Victor, MD; UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; Tractor 26.06.2006 10
2 2016 UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; BEGANSCHII Stanislav, MD; BONDARENCO Eugeniu, MD; CALUŢCHII Alexandru, MD; LENSCHII Albert, MD; PAVLENCO Vitalie, MD; URASOV Iurie, MD; UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; Tractor  pe şenile 10.06.2006 7
3 1904 UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; BEGANSCHII Stanislav, MD; BONDARENCO Eugeniu, MD; CALUŢCHII Alexandru, MD; LENSCHII Albert, MD; PAVLENCO Vitalie, MD; URASOV Iurie, MD; UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; Tractor pe şenile 16.06.2006 7
4 1098 UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; BEGANSCHII Stanislav, MD; UTCHIN Vladimir, MD; CALUŢCHII Alexandru, MD; LAVRENTIEV Nicolae, MD; LENSCHII Dumitru, MD; PAVLENCO Vitalie, MD; UTCHIN Victor, MD; URASOV Iurie, MD; CALUŢCHII Serghei, MD; UZINA DE TRACTOARE, "TRACOM" S.A., MD; Mijloc de transport 30.06.2000 6
