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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 26.03.2013 Formal examination (assignment of filing date) 31.05.2013 Preliminary examination and Examination of the conditions for granting STPI 31.12.2013 Publication of the decision of grant (Y) 30.06.2014 Completion of the opposition filing period 31.07.2014 Issuance of patent (Z) 26.03.2019 Publication of expiration of the patent

Patent expired

(11)Number of the document712
(21)Number of the applications 2013 0058
(22)Filing date of the application2013.03.26
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countryUNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA A MOLDOVEI, MD;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countryTROFIM Viorel, MD; LUPAN Oleg, MD; CRETU Vasilii, MD;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countryUNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA A MOLDOVEI, MD;
(54)Title of the inventionProcess for producing MoO3 nanostructures
(13)Kind-of-document code
Z, BOPI 07/2014
Y, BOPI 12/2013
(51)International Patent Classification B82Y 40/00 (2011.01); C01G 39/00 (2011.01);
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:2013.12.31
(47)Date of issuance of patent2014.07.31
 Substantive examiner(s)GHIŢU Irina Iurie
 Expired patents; Date of expiration2019.08.31
 Payment for maintenance up to the date2019.03.26
/inventions/details/s 2013 0058