For comments, suggestions
Profile: ODAGIU Ştefan (Update: 01.09.2024)

Date cumulate

Cumulated data
Total of filed applications, of which for: 10



Short-term patents


Utility models

Titles of protection granted/issued, of which:

patents (BI)


short term patents (BISD)


utitity models (MU)

Applications in which inventor is applicant 8
Total of valid titles of protection 0 (BI:0 BISD:0 MU:0)
Invalid patents with the right of revalidation 0
Total titles of protection being valid more than 5 years 0
Average life of patent (years) 6.6
BI: 6.6

AnulBrevete de invenţieTotal

AnulBrevete de invenţieBrevete de invenţie de scurtă duratăModele de utilitate

Top IPC subclasses

Top IPC subclasses
1 C12G 15 Wine; other alcoholic beverages; preparation thereof
2 A23L 3 Foods, foodstuffs, or non-alcoholic beverages, not covered by subclasses A21D or A23B-A23J; their preparation or treatment, e.g. cooking, modification of nutritive qualities, physical treatment; preservation of foods or foodstuffs, in general
3 C12F 2 recovery of by-products of fermented solutionsdenaturing of, or denatured, alcohol
4 C11B 2 producing (pressing, extraction), refining or preserving fats, fatty substances (e.g. lanolin), fatt
5 C12P 2 fermentation or enzyme-using processes to synthesise a desired chemical compound or composition or t
6 B01D 1 Separation
7 C12S 1 processes using enzymes or micro-organisms to liberate, separate or purify a pre-existing compound o

Top IPC subgroups

Top IPC subgroups
1 C12G 3/00 4
2 C12G 1/00 2
3 C12G 1/02 2
4 C12G 3/06 2
5 C12G 3/07 2
6 A23L 2/00 1
7 A23L 2/02 1
8 A23L 2/38 1
9 B01D 3/00 1
10 C11B 1/10 1
11 C11B 5/00 1
12 C12F 3/00 1
13 C12F 3/08 1
14 C12G 1/06 1
15 C12G 3/12 1
16 C12G 3/04 1
17 C12P 7/06 1
18 C12P 7/08 1
19 C12S 3/00 1


Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)
1 MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore 4
2 DUCA Boris 3
3 CIOBANU Ioana 3
4 ROŞIORU Marina 3
5 TUDURACHE Tatiana 3
6 RUDIC Valeriu 2
7 GAGARINA Galina 2
8 SCURTU Vladimir 2
9 TARAN Nicolae 1
10 RUDI Liudmila 1

Top-10 Co-applicants/applicants (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Co-owners/owners (in the case of inventor profile)

Top patents cited by person

Top patents cited by person
1 MD 666 2
2 MD 145 1
3 MD 188 1
4 MD 1530 1
5 DE 36411888 1
6 BG 32643 1
7 CN 1114872 1
8 CN 1175632 1
9 WO 88/09132 1
10 JP 62 1

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)
1 145 3
2 2455 3
3 592 1
4 146 1
5 145 1
6 146 1
7 2408 1
8 2076 1

The most cited person patents(in Description)

The most cited person patents(in Description)
1 MD 145 4 1
2 MD 146 1 0

The most longeval person patents

The most longeval person patents
Nr.Număr brevetSolicitantInventatorTitularTitluValabil pînă laValabil (ani)
1 145 DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; Băutura de tip brandy "Botna" 25.01.2005 11
2 146 DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA Galina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA Galina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA alina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; Procedeu pentru producerea alcoolului etilic 22.02.2003 9
3 592 DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA Galina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA Galina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; DUCA Boris, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; ROŞIORU Marina, MD; SCURTU Vladimir, MD; GAGARINA alina, MD; TUDURACHE Tatiana, MD; CIOBANU Ioana, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; Procedeu de producere a alcoolului etilic 20.10.2003 9
4 1925 ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; MUSTEAŢĂ Grigore, MD; Procedeu de madeirizare a vinului 02.01.2007 6
5 2455 RUDIC Valeriu, MD; RUDIC Valeriu, MD; TARAN Nicolae, MD; ODAGIU Ştefan, MD; SONIC Vladimir, MD; SONIC Grigorii, MD; RUDIC Valeriu, MD; Procedeu de obţinere a băuturilor alcoolice şi nealcoolice cu extract de spirulină 17.02.2009 6
